Thursday, September 11, 2008


I didn't think I was tip top for the hike to the big stone - Cloughmore. But the trip was worth it. Here is the story of this huge rock which is truly geologically different than the surrounding stone-

Cloughmore, a 30-ton Granite boulder lies on the Mountain Ridge approximately 1000 feet above Rostrevor village. Geolgists describe Cloughmore as a spectacular deposit from the Ice Age, but local folklore has much more colourful story that relates to Finn McCool (the legendary Irish Giant). The giant got into a fight with his archrival Ruscaire , another giant, and they threw bolders at each other. This is how Cloughmore arrived at this spot.

Just trying to keep up with james' posts is a work out but you should definately take a look at his blog too

James and Phillip going to the top:

A view from the path up:

At the top Phillip and James posed out:

Local schools get their uniform colors from these flowers:

Phillip and James looked for another vantage point and jawed all the way:

On the way down there was a brook that posed out too:

I was really glad Phillip and Aideen took us to this spot, it was beautiful and it was refreshing to stretch my legs a bit. It was also fun applying a strong feel of Fuji Velvia or that crazy AGFA film we used to shoot with to these shots.


Anonymous said...

mmmm.... AGFA!!! "Mega Post"... as JW would say. Rock on.

James Walker said...

HA HA! IT's like digital "AGFA 50"....