Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I always spell the word BECAUSE wrong while typing (it happened while I just typed that last one). It is how I type, it is becasue I can't stop doing it, and it is because it is the way I am. Photography is the same way with me. If I was left with nothing on a deserted island, I would still think about the photographs I would like to take. I would like to share some of these photos with you my friends.....


Ben Chrisman said...

yes! it's on baby.

Fruitie: said...

I've always loved your cart photos, and also the evocative titles you give them. Now it'll be great to have more of your words/stories paired with them.

Anonymous said...

yeah! your alive!:)

OnCe ThErE said...

Your cart photos are amazing. Congradulations on all of your success photography and family wise.