Sunday, November 16, 2008

Navajo Nation Part I

I have driven through most of the Navajo Nation, so I knew some great riding existed there, and today I got a good dose of it. I rode about 75 miles of dirt through the Chuska mountains. The riding was great and even though bits of snow cover got me to slow down see wild horses running along side me and mule deer doing the same in one day was just great. Total vehicles seen on this route 4 pick-ups going to get firewood.

The roads I traveled were great for the bike.

Below is Whiskey Lake.

Some snow was encountered but not like last weekend in the Cibola NF.

At one point wile trying to get to a fire lookout I tried to get over this deadfall and the chain got pushed off. So with a little improvising and using the deadfall I was able to put the chain back on. I abandoned trying to get to the lookout on this route, but found my way there anyway. 9100ft. and views to Shiprock.

This is a clasic hogan- not many are seen with the mud roofs:

Dropping down off the plateau was an event too. Horses looked like the only thing using the road I had planned to use to get down. The bike made it like a champ and soon I was in Toadelena, and then back to Gallup.

If there is no more snow between now and next weekend I will again ventue forth into the Navajo Nation for great riding- stay tuned.

1 comment:

malia said...

brrrrr... not ready for snow, even in pictures.